How to fix feeder issues | Form3 form labs

How to fix feeder issues

How to fix feeder issues
While using your Product, there’s a chance that you might run into a feeder issue. Luckily, problems with the feeder are usually easy to resolve.
Several symptoms can indicate a problem with the feeder:
the feeder is ticking back/skipping
material is being ground down by the feeder
material is not being forwarded by the feeder

There’s also a chance that your feeder may show one of these symptoms as a result of under-extrusion, which is shown by small holes in the 3D print. To learn more about under-extrusion, please take a look at this page.

The feeder is ticking back/skipping

During printing, it’s possible that you may hear a ticking sound coming from the feeder. This means that the feeder is currently experiencing too much friction while feeding material through the printer. There are several possible causes for this, so we recommend that you take a look at this page for more detailed information.

Material is ground down by the feeder

When the material gets flattened by the feeder, the feeder can sometimes get blocked up with small filament particles. In general, when this happens, it means that the material you are adding to the printer has been ground down by the feeder. This can happen when the feeder tension is set too high, but there’s also a chance that grinding can occur due to a problem in the hot end or bowden tube. Follow this step-by-step guide in order to properly resolve any grinding issues that you may be experiencing with your Ultimaker and get back to the business of printing once again

By | 2017-03-30T03:20:46+09:00 3月 30th, 2017|0 Comments